Dr. Bradley isn’t referring to spirits here but rather negative emotions we decide to trap within us instead of processing and releasing normally. So many people I’ve worked with have these trapped emotions related to breakups, loss, and divorce. Some of the common trapped emotions in these cases are abandonment, betrayal, forlorn, love unreceived, anger, bitterness, sadness etc. Folks, after the incident we probably needed some of these emotions to protect ourselves, after a while, they simply do not serve us anymore. These can and will make us sick, both psychologically and physically if we don’t release them. The good news is they can be released quickly and permanently. Please consider this wonderful technique called the Emotion Code and unload a ton of hurt, you don’t need to be carrying around anymore. The summer coupon gets you 40% off all services. Initial conversation and questions are welcome and of course at no charge. WWW.TheHealingFactory.com

Getting Rid of Past Ghosts!
Dr. Bradley isn’t referring to spirits here but rather negative emotions we decide to trap within us instead of processing and releasing normally. So many